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Monday, December 22, 2003

Happy Holidays!

The blog has been quiet lately that's because the team here at Nintari has been working really hard in anticipation of a holiday break. Some of the team will be working throughout the holidays, while other will be vacationing in various parts of the world.

The staff at Nintari would like to wish you all happy holidays and a happy New Year. And make sure you tune into the blog in the New Year, because Nintari's has a lot of exciting events planned!

The Nintari Staff

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

And the Winners Are...

The first annual video game awards took place last week on Spike TV. Here's a quick recap of the winners of the major categories:

Best Animation: Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball (Tecmo)
Best Game Based on a Movie: Enter the Matrix (Atari)
Best Action Game: True Crime: Streets of LA (Activision)
Most Anticipated Game: Halo 2 (Microsoft)
Game of the Year: Madden NFL 2004 (EA Sports)

A video of the winner of game of the year can be found at Spike TV's website.

If you want to see more videos plus a full list of the nominees and winners in each category, check out Spike TV

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Google's New Algorithm Bothers Me!

Just when I thought I was starting to understand how to get ranked high on Google, they go and add a new algorithm. Google's intention was to eliminate spam sites, but it seems as though Google's new algorithm known as the Florida Update has actually eliminated several legitimate sites. Many people have speculated as to why this might have happened, was Google trying to increase their add revenue by ousting these sites just in time for Christmas? I don't think that that was their intention, the following article gives a good explanation as to why some legitimate sites might have been affected by Google's update. Google Bayesian Spam Filtering Problem? The author of the article, speculates that Google has targeted key words that are often used by spammers and applied its new algorithm to those words. Therefore if a legitimate site uses that same key word, they will be identified by Google as a spammer and eliminated from the rankings.

So now that we know why this is happening the key is to figure out how to avoid it happening to your site. Besides focusing on unpopular key words, I am not really sure how to solve this problem. But I am sure someone will come up with some good advice soon, I will keep searching! On the plus side, since Google has made these changes, Nintari.net's PageRank has gone up, so who knows maybe the changes aren't so bad after all.